07 February 2012

we are medium size travel company in NEPAL-Mr Pant

1. Introduce your yourself and organisation?
-I am Susil Pant chairman of Gorkha International Travels pvt nepal & President of Gorkha International Travel & Trek Inc New York
USA.Except my daily buiness, I like to involve in social work in community and involve in school, college, social work too.we want to support to community.It is our interest to contribute to society & to be win win situation.
 Founder & first president: Entire Power in Social Action Balaju Nepal (www.epsanepal.org)
Founder & chairman   : Precious National Academy ( www.pnc.edu.np)
Founder & chairman   : Precious National College & Higher Secondary School (www.pnc.edu.np)
Founder President       : Tourism Development Co-operative & saving Thamel Kathamndu.
Nepal co -ordinator      : KIVO group in nepal ( An volunteer organization who support the remote nepal school- books, library & building)

2.How is your business in competitive markets?
-It is medium size travel company in compare in nepalese market and popular one, which is the member of IATA, NATA, PATA,NTB, UFTTA,SOTO & VITOF

3.Do you think your consumer  are satisfied with your service?
-According to latest survey,we have almost 90 % customer satisfaction.our customers are retained  time and again and refered their friends
 and family too. so i am personally happy with the service we provide to customerin reality.There is lacking of better marketing , our
tourism product is valueless, developed the tourism, we have to show our product in better way in international market & media.

4.Do you have any recent master plan to expand  business ?
- As we know tourism business is global business and IT plays very important role for its expansion.Yes of course, we are planning to
extend our business all over globe, this year we open our branch in USA , 2013 and 2014 we plan to open branch in Japan, UK and major
cities of  world.

5.we finished visit Nepal 2011,did  u have any promotional activity for destiny ?
 - Lack of pre plan and lack of adequate  infracturese tourism Year 2011 was100% failer .It was  just the plan to get & earn the money for
government officer.
6.who are stakeholders of tourism business  in Nepal?
-Private sector & governmnet are major staekholder as well as general people have positive role for its development
7.Why do you think  issue of green tourism is very common in today's world?
-Becasue of modernization  development of industries and factories are possible , rapid increase in population creates migration activities 
and mass flow of people from one place to another, there are many negetive factor to human civilatization.So the people want to go back 
to nature.So that this is the time of demand of human & traveller in Green Tourism.
8.what are the threats of tourism industry indynamicl world?
-Security problem, terrorism  & economic defict  to world finiancial status may create problems which limits purchasing behaviour of
custumer due to uncertantity.

9.Do you focus in  international tourism only?
-No, we want  to promote both  domestic   and international tourism,becasue traveller concept is wide.It is not matter where the customer are from.
are from.Nepalese also could be good traveller to developed the tourism.
10.What might be the factors that attract tourists in Nepal comparing with developed countries?
-The tourism cycle in developed countries  & nepal is  different.People really can not enjoy  with nature in developed countries due to vast development whearas people will come nepal for green tourism and to enjoy flora and fauna.
11.what might be the roles of government and private entertainers for promotion of tourism in nepal?
-Govt must support and empower to private sector to developed the tourism,general people at grass root level should be educated about importance of tourism too.
12.what do you consider yourself before visiting  new places?
-Security & entertainmet.How I can enjoy my trip with safe way 
13. Conclusion if any?
-i am very happy to express my views and ideas thank you.

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